There is power in the Microphone

In a time when it has never been so important to speak out, to assert one’s own sovereignty and to be true to yourself, the Dangerous Microphone delivers the opportunity for us all to stand and be counted.  There is power and affirmation in that.

It is liberating to find the courage to stand up and sing or play for the first time; to write and present a poem or a story; or to recount a little of your own journey or to deliver a new song.  And it is a joy to behold the joy and belief on the faces of those who do it! Power in the microphone? Yes there is. Your power.

Look forward to seeing you each Wednesday at the Dangerous Kitchen. Here you will find great food and refreshing drinks from the kitchen and bar and simply wonderful hospitality from the friendly Dangerous Kitchen staff. Make the DANGEROUS MICROPHONE the highlight of your week.

Performers, you can book one of the seven minute slots from 5.00 pm at the Dangerous Kitchen

Every Wednesday, 5, 12, 19, 26 October 2022
5.30 pm kick off.


There is power in the Microphone