New season at the microphone

Winter is on the retreat, they say. Gathering her white skirts about her and heading across the lake to some other shore. There is blossom on the plum tree and as Buffy Sainte-Marie sings, ‘… the seasons they go round and round…and we are captive on the carousel of time…’. It is now the turn of spring to court us with some sort of rebirth, to lavish us with a new song as we emerge from the cold places where we have sojourned for a while.

And we are looking forward to a great season of new songs and poems, and stories and provocations as we gather round the microphone with our hearts and voices intact. We welcome back the Dangerous Kitchen crew from their well-deserved winter break and look forward to cranking up the Dangerous Microphone once again on Wednesday 30 August. Acid on the Microphone is looking great for September and so too Moonshine on the Microphone. Monday night singalong at The Mussel Inn is taking a break until 7 October while Craig tends to some overseas gigs.

It will be great to meet up at one of our fabulous open microphone evenings in September. Join us on the carousel of time, give thanks and praise for the new season and let’s sing a new song as best we can.

Love and peace
Mark Raffills
Golden Bay Live Poets Society





Two Seasons

she is gathering up her white skirts
with a crisp swish and sway,
she gives me a wink
as she makes her way
down the cold valley,
dares me to follow
but I choose to stay.

she just sits in the wild plum tree
and sings to me a song,
scent of something new,
a tune so strong
I fall for the fragrance
tangled up in her
skirts hanging long.

Mark Raffills