New season at the microphone

Winter is on the retreat, they say. Gathering her white skirts about her and heading across the lake to some other shore. There is blossom on the plum tree and as Buffy Sainte-Marie sings, ‘… the seasons they go round and round…and we are captive on the carousel of time…’. It is now the turn of spring to court us with some sort of rebirth, to lavish us with a new song as we emerge from the cold places where we have sojourned for a while.

And we are looking forward to a great season of new songs and poems, and stories and provocations as we gather round the microphone with our hearts and voices intact. We welcome back the Dangerous Kitchen crew from their well-deserved winter break and look forward to cranking up the Dangerous Microphone once again on Wednesday 30 August. Acid on the Microphone is looking great for September and so too Moonshine on the Microphone. Monday night singalong at The Mussel Inn is taking a break until 7 October while Craig tends to some overseas gigs.

It will be great to meet up at one of our fabulous open microphone evenings in September. Join us on the carousel of time, give thanks and praise for the new season and let’s sing a new song as best we can.

Love and peace
Mark Raffills
Golden Bay Live Poets Society





Two Seasons

she is gathering up her white skirts
with a crisp swish and sway,
she gives me a wink
as she makes her way
down the cold valley,
dares me to follow
but I choose to stay.

she just sits in the wild plum tree
and sings to me a song,
scent of something new,
a tune so strong
I fall for the fragrance
tangled up in her
skirts hanging long.

Mark Raffills



YEP, its true! We welcome back the Dangerous Kitchen crew from their well-deserved winter break. And come this Wednesday, 30 August, we look forward to cranking up the Dangerous Microphone for year number two.

No doubt during the break we have been practising our songs, writing new poems, collecting stories and being observant of all things about us – socially and politically. If ever a new song was needed, it is surely needed now; if ever a new poem was to be spoken, it for sure needs to be spoken now.

So pencil in Wednesday nights from here until  Christmas and make your way to the Dangerous Kitchen from 5.30 pm each week. The hospitality is first rate; the menu will leave you well satisfied and the crac will be just what your soul needs.

The run sheet for each evening will be on site from 5.00 pm for participants to book their spot. Take risks, live dangerously, speak boldly! Love to see you at the Dangerous Microphone.

The Dangerous Microphone
Wednesdays, 5.30pm
30 August, 6, 13, 20 and 27 September.

The Dangerous Kitchen


Jules Riding – Gospel concert

Personal music for personal times

Jules Riding is a much-travelled singer/songwriter who has been traversing the length and breadth of New Zealand from the late seventies right up to the present day. He lives in Waikanae and spends three or four months of each year performing across Europe, where he is based in Estonia.

Riding sings and writes in the gospel-folk tradition that has seen three of his 10 albums earn gold status. He has twice won ‘Gospel Album of the Year’ at the NZ Music Awards. He will be bringing his engaging performance to the Anglican Church on Commercial Street in Takaka, Sunday evening 3 September at 7.00pm.

His recent album, ‘Cataclysm’, is a close examination of the way we handle personal struggles and changes as we live our lives in modern times within a society governed by a range of different views and expectations.  His new album, Scars, is due pre-Christmas this year.

Jules lists his musical influences as the folk greats from the 60’s including Bob Dylan, Paul Simon, James Taylor, Cat Stevens, Joni Mitchell, Keith Green, John Michael Talbot and Michael W Smith.

Kahurangi Christian Church and the Anglican Church will host Jules on his visit to Golden Bay. The concert kicks off at 7.00pm, koha entry and a desert supper to follow.

Anglican Church
Commercial Street
Sunday 3 September, 7.00pm

Jules Riding – Gospel concert



The moon glides across the waters of Ruataniwha into the arms of Mount Burnett. They dance in the twilight to the tunes wafting from the MAD Cafe. The words of the poet tell their story in the drawing out of the evening.

It is Thursday 7th of September and the poets and singers gather for MOONSHINE ON THE MICROPHONE at the MAD Cafe in Collingwood. The moon and the mountain are there, figuring large in all that is spoken, in all that is sung.

Come gather down in the town for good company, fine songs and poems to stir your soul.

Moonshine on the Microphone
Thursday 7 September 2023
7.00pm. Koha
MAD Cafe, Collingwood




IAN KENNETH BROWN – story teller –  will be our guest at September’s  Acid on the Microphone.

The fire will still be burning in the hearth at the Mussel Inn where the food and drink and conversation will set the mood for a fantastic evening of poem, song and story telling.

Ian brings his Fairy Tales in the Shadow of AI to Acid on the Microphone. Says he:
Real Stories are getting thin on the ground these days , we storytellers ( you and me ) are a dying breed . Let’s raise the revolutionary flag of inventiveness once more , crack the eggshell of imagination and wade into places , and times , that have never been here again and will possibly always not yet have been there.”

Half the evening at the Mussel inn will revolve around the very fabulous and famously longest-running open mic night in the Bay. And the other half will be devoted to Ian and the Fairy Tales in the Shadow of A.I.

We will kick off around 7.30 pm with song and music from Alanjahjah and maybe Joy. They will be followed by open mic,  where poets, story tellers and musicians will take to the microphone to entertain and perform. Ian will take up the story after the break.

It would be absolutely tremendous to see you there!

featuring Ian Kenneth Brown
-story teller
Thursday 21 September
7.30 pm. $5
Mussel Inn



Fairy Tales in the shadow of A.I.

Beyond the edges there is a place that we can meet . There be the Wyrd sisters , there be the Cave of wonders , and yes alright I concede , ‘There be Dragons’ . The place I refer to is ,of course, the world of Story.

So runs the introduction to Ian Kenneth Brown, in his own words. I.K.B. will tell his stories as the featured guest at Golden Bay Live Poets Society on Thursday 21 September, 2023. But wait, there is more.

Metaphors , Analogy , Fable and maybe some Legends swim , swirl and swish in a cosmic soup . Don’t believe all that you a hear here , but do believe some  , as Story has the spirit to transform , inspire and upend.

And there is no better place to curl up and listen to stories than in front of the fire at the Mussel Inn. And why is it important that you come and let these stories lodge in your heart? Well, says Ian, because….

Real Stories are getting thin on the ground these days , we storytellers ( you and me ) are a dying breed . Let’s raise the revolutionary flag of inventiveness once more , crack the eggshell of imagination and wade into places , and times , that have never been here again and will possibly always not yet have been there.

That sounds like the best reason ever. He is a colourful character, is Ian Kenneth Brown. Carries the flag of revolutionary inventiveness high and humbly low.

Ian has found himself in Onekaka quite regularly recently, is a trained Clown , a Teacher in remission , and Ordained Druid , a weaver of fantabulous , nebulaic , far fetched ephemera ( A Storyteller ) , a Poet , A trainee Daddy and is deeply in love with the nature of Aotearoa .

Half the evening at the Mussel inn will revolve around the very fabulous and famously longest-running open mic night in the Bay. And the other half will be devoted to Ian and the fairy tales in the shadow of A.I.

Come and Fill your Story Bucket !

That’s it folks. Fairy tales in the shadow of A.I. Don’t miss them.

Thursday 21 September
7.30 pm. $5
Mussel Inn

Fairy Tales in the shadow of A.I.


Mapua Literary Festival

The Mapua Literary Festival is back on the calendar after a couple of disruptive years. It will take place this month and will feature a number of current and former Golden Bay writers/poets, including Gerrard Hindmarsh, Suzanne Clark, Emma Callaghan, Rose Michele von Dreger and Mark Raffills.
The Festival takes place over the weekend of 15th, 16th and 17th September 2023 at the Mapua Community Hall, 72 Aranui Road, Mapua. Tickets are on sale via the Mapua website at
Get yourself tickets for what will be a wonderful weekend of words and community get together. Gather family and friends, book a place to stay over the hill and make a weekend of it. See next page for full programme.

Mapua Literary Festival


Mapua Programme

Mapua Programme



Two local musicians have new singles out. Find them on Spotify and Bandcamp. Keep an ear out for their next gigs and be sure to get to hear them.

Nick Feint’s new song is on Bandcamp. Coming up Roses is the name of the track. A beautiful song that sees Nick right on his game. Powerful production by Levity Beet and stylish BVs from Malaika Hollis.

Ella Keita and Buster Caitcheon have a new song too. You will find it on Spotify, called Winds Are Changing. A great track with a whole lot of appeal and a top notch arrangement that showcases the meshing of two stunning talents.







Mussel Inn Sing Along with Craig Denham has been a massive community hit over the winter. Every Monday night singers of every elk have gathered to give voice to the song! Craig has a few gigs coming up out of town – Hawaii and the Far North – and so the Monday nights are on hold until he returns on Monday 2 October. Mark it on your calendar

Make Use of CRUMB

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In CRUMB you will find all the events sponsored by Golden Bay Live Poets Society plus a few other gigs and community happenings.

If you would like to be kept up to date with open microphone events happening around the Bay, then subscribe to CRUMB here

And you can even submit a gig or event that you want us to know about.







Got events or gigs coming up that you’d like to let CRUMB readers know about, please email the details, jpeg pics and jpeg posters to:  or use the link below:

submit a gig or event 

And if you have a new book of  poems, stories coming out, or a new recording of songs, let us know and we can let our small but dedicated readership in on the action.