Every Thursday I post a video poem on Facebook. It’s something I have been doing for four and a half years now. Go to www.facebook.com/markraffills if you want to have a listen.


We sit and we reminisce in those quiet moments afforded us in the loss and in the living that must always drift, arm in arm, across the landscape of our everyday. A poem for Elaine on her birthday in a video made by Dr Jeff Obadiah Simmonds. Words below.

A winter’s birthday
A wee dram or two of whisky
to warm the heart
on a cold winters evening,

her birthday eve  and we sat
in gathered company,
a wooden deck, an old couch,

the smell of a distant spring
wafting in from the freshly
mown lawn, waiting tomorrow

for that dear friend arriving,
constant companion, childhood
cohort from the wild west.

And while we waited, we shared
memories of those who shall
always be with us in conversation,

and we remembered them
as we raised our glasses
to toast the days of wonder

gifted us here, shared
in the quiet of a winter’s evening,
in the passing of another year.

Mark Raffills

Watch the video here:


You will also find me:

Mark Raffills website  |  YouTube channel  |  Daily Twitter poems/thoughts