Fairy Tales in the shadow of A.I.

Beyond the edges there is a place that we can meet . There be the Wyrd sisters , there be the Cave of wonders , and yes alright I concede , ‘There be Dragons’ . The place I refer to is ,of course, the world of Story.

So runs the introduction to Ian Kenneth Brown, in his own words. I.K.B. will tell his stories as the featured guest at Golden Bay Live Poets Society on Thursday 21 September, 2023. But wait, there is more.

Metaphors , Analogy , Fable and maybe some Legends swim , swirl and swish in a cosmic soup . Don’t believe all that you a hear here , but do believe some  , as Story has the spirit to transform , inspire and upend.

And there is no better place to curl up and listen to stories than in front of the fire at the Mussel Inn. And why is it important that you come and let these stories lodge in your heart? Well, says Ian, because….

Real Stories are getting thin on the ground these days , we storytellers ( you and me ) are a dying breed . Let’s raise the revolutionary flag of inventiveness once more , crack the eggshell of imagination and wade into places , and times , that have never been here again and will possibly always not yet have been there.

That sounds like the best reason ever. He is a colourful character, is Ian Kenneth Brown. Carries the flag of revolutionary inventiveness high and humbly low.

Ian has found himself in Onekaka quite regularly recently, is a trained Clown , a Teacher in remission , and Ordained Druid , a weaver of fantabulous , nebulaic , far fetched ephemera ( A Storyteller ) , a Poet , A trainee Daddy and is deeply in love with the nature of Aotearoa .

Half the evening at the Mussel inn will revolve around the very fabulous and famously longest-running open mic night in the Bay. And the other half will be devoted to Ian and the fairy tales in the shadow of A.I.

Come and Fill your Story Bucket !

That’s it folks. Fairy tales in the shadow of A.I. Don’t miss them.

Thursday 21 September
7.30 pm. $5
Mussel Inn

Fairy Tales in the shadow of A.I.