5 April 2023



We have a strong foundation, a long dream and the certainty of what we know; we have the power of friendship, the strength of truth and the courage of belief. These are the things that tend to define us, make us who we are, stand us firm in the uncertain hour. These are the things that drive us to the microphone to sing and to speak of those things we know and believe. There is much to uncover, much to do. The race is not over. We cannot be silent and we will not leave quietly, even while “the winds of changes shift.”

So take your place either behind or in front of, the microphone this month at one of our fabulous open microphone sessions. We have a few to choose from. Speak your heart, sing your soul. Stake your place. Love the community that is gathering on these occasions – we gather so that we know we are not alone. See you at the microphone!


Mark Raffills
Golden Bay Live Poets Society


We were ‘old friends’ bathed in the endless glory of Simon and Garfunkel’s ‘American Tune’. Me and Kennedy, talking about faithful songs, faithful friends, getting older and holding joy to the times we knew, knowing still that all things shall we well. To friendship. Thanks again to Dr Jeff Obadiah Simmonds for putting the video together.


yes it was an old dream
warm and expectant
now a little worn
but for the faith that sustains it
but for the song that old men still hum
in the evening
reminding the sun to come again

and there are those
who would cut out our tongues
sever our hands
and hobble our feet
but nothing can silence
the heart of the faithful song
that sings of freedom
that dreams of flying

and when will you be home
my old friend
and when shall we sit
and hum tunes together
sing faithful songs
and build new dreams
on the certainty
of the old

Mark Raffills





Yes the moon, dancing alone on the pavement outside the MAD Cafe in Collingwood is looking for some company this Thursday 6 April (tomorrow) at Collingwood’s own open mic night, MOONSHINE ON THE MICROPHONE.

Bring a poem or a song or a story or a reading. Or come, relax and listen. Love to see you there from 7.00 pm. Koha.

Moonshine on the Microphone
Thursday 6 April
7.00pm. Koha
MAD Cafe, Collingwood




ACID ON THE MICROPHONE gives ya this month
Redwood & friends.

Redwood, Colm and Sol take to the stage with their Live & Vocal show following our very famous open mic session for poets and singer/songwriters.

alanjajjah  will set the scene for the evening with his ‘cruisy’ sounds. Open Mic will kick off around 7.30pm. A short break at 8.00pm before Redwood, Colm and Sol keep the acid on the microphone.

Redwood, spoken word artist, NZ Poetry Slam finalist, Golden Bay faithful and all round stunning poet, will entertain and challenge with a woven  tapestry of words and images. Colm and Sol, accompanying live with percussion and strings, will deliver a few surprises, including a couple of vocal embellishments!

It is going to be a particularly engaging night! Open Mic participants, get in early on the night to book your spot.

Show kicks off around 7.15 pm at the Mussel Inn, Thursday 20th April.

Redwood, Colm & Sol
Live & Vocal
Thursday 20 April

7.30 pm. $10
Mussel Inn


the night draws in

and the dangerous microphone lurks in the shadows of the darker nights.

Yeah. Daylight saving comes to an end for another year and the 5.30 pm evenings at the Dangerous Kitchen are becoming a little more cosy, a little more defiant, a little more Dangerous!

Come on down for an evening meal, a glass of wine and enjoy the company of a great community.

Singers, poets, songwriters, story tellers and provocators – take your place behind the Dangerous Microphone. Stir and arouse the audience and yourself with your craft. Feed your soul, build community  – you get the drift!

The Dangerous Microphone
Wednesdays, 5.30pm
5, 12, 19, 26 April

The Dangerous Kitchen


the night draws in


Ella Keita – brand new EP out now!

‘HEAVY WINGS’, Ella’s new EP is available now! Four songs, written and recorded six years ago… finally to be set free into the world.

Says Ella, “These songs will always hold a special place in my heart.
I want to send deepest gratitude to @davidhinojosamusic and @goodolgilly from @rabbit_hole_studios for bringing these tracks into the fullness of their creation and supporting me through this process.”

You can listen to Heavy Wings here:
Link to listen:…

Catch Ella live from time to time at the Dangerous Microphone on Wednesday nights. Sometimes at the monthly Acid on the Microphone at the Mussel Inn too.

Ella Keita – brand new EP out now!

Make Use of CRUMB

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In CRUMB you will find all the events sponsored by Golden Bay Live Poets Society plus a few other gigs and community happenings.

If you would like to be kept up to date with open microphone events happening around the Bay, then subscribe to CRUMB here

And you can even submit a gig or event that you want us to know about.







Got events or gigs coming up that you’d like to let CRUMB readers know about, please email the details, jpeg pics and jpeg posters to:  or use the link below:

submit a gig or event 

And if you have a new book of  poems, stories coming out, or a new recording of songs, let us know and we can let our small but dedicated readership in on the action.