Monday 1 May 2023



There is a song of the journey, springing from the lips of travellers and wayfarers. It stands upon a heart of joy, it is tuned into the mystery in all its hues and shades. It is fuel, undefined; it is the song that carries us across the great spread of heaven, dances us in the arms of the stars, beds us down in the light and warmth of the sun. This is the song that is in every heart. It’s tune is the truth, the question and debate. It is the song of the journey. It is the song of the daring microphone, the song that binds us one to another.

This is the month of May and the song is as loud and clear as it has ever been. And the poem too, speaking the joy and the mystery of all our humanity, telling the story of our lives. But not only the poet and the musician, but also the dancer and painter and storyteller too. The song of the journey, plotting our road from the ‘cradle to the grave’ and singing of all the days in between.

Over the coming month, the microphone will be turned on at The Mad Café, The Dangerous Kitchen and The Mussel Inn. So come “tell it and speak it and think it and breath it.” Sing the song of the journey that inhabits your heart; the road rolls on and we got to travel on it.

See you at the microphone!
Golden Bay Live Poets Society



We are on the long road
we are mining for gold
we are telling the stories
that have forever been told.

And the words that we find
are the badges we wear
through light seasons of hope
and the dust of despair.

Come stack up the wood
and watch the flame fall
put our heart on the altar
better to walk than to crawl.

Kiss the stars with our lips
give our blood to the moon
we chase after the sun
on a pale afternoon.

Share our food with the hungry
our stories with the deaf
we know we’ve got everything
when we’ve got nothing left.

We kick open the door
when the town is closed
we are on the long road
that nobody knows.

Mark Raffills



Ever seen the moon laying it down in gold on Collingwood’s Ruataniwha Inlet? It’s a site to behold.  In its light hearts are ignited,  poems are born and songs composed.

And right there, on the edge of Ruataniwha, MOONSHINE ON THE MICROPHONE gives voice to the heart of that moon with a warm and welcoming little concert of  poetry and song.

From the Aoere Valley, from Pakawau and Puponga, from the streets of Collingwood, come, gather at the MAD for the most pleasant evening of poem and song. Would dearly love to see you there, telling a poem, singing a song, telling a story, or lending an ear to the courageous performers!

It’s a night only the moon in all its glory can rival.

Moonshine on the Microphone
Thursday 4 May
7.00pm. Koha
MAD Cafe, Collingwood




Gypsy-jazz Songstress and poet, Isabelle Wolff is our featured guest at this months Acid on the Microphone taking place at The Mussel Inn on Thursday 18 May.

 The night will kick off with alanjajjah & Joy  playing some ‘moody’ sounds around 7.15 pm. Our Open Mic session for poets and singers, musicians and story tellers will start around 7.30pm. After a short break around 8.00 pm, Isabelle will make the microphone her own.

Isabelle, from Germany, is a fabulous singer, musician and poet of some renown. Imagine a smoky jazz and blues joint – she recently performed at the Harbour Street Jazz and Blues Festival in Oamaru and at the Bluedoor in Arrowtown – and you begin to get the picture. “The vocals cut the air with a knife, made every heart swoon and left the audience hanging on every note!”

Isabelle is also an accomplished poet and has published a book of her work. See some more info on the following pages.

This is going to be another ripper of a night! Open Mic participants, be there early to book your spot.                                   

Songstress & Poet
Thursday 18 MAY

7.30 pm. $5
Mussel Inn


Gypsy-jazz Songstress and Poet

Isabelle Wolff

gypsy music takes the stage at Mussel Inn

Call it gypsy pop if you will, no matter how you hear her, Isabelle Wolff’s vocal styling will have you dancing on the tables and revelling in the joy of song.

The talented German songstress and poet learnt her vocal craft in the gypsy tradition from Lulo Reinhardt,  well-known German descendant of gypsy-jazz pioneer Django Reinhardt.

Currently based in New Zealand, Isabelle and has been living in Golden Bay these last few months where she has been treating locals to her infectious music and songs.

Recent performances at the Harbour Street Jazz and Blues Festival in Oamaru and a couple of gigs further south, including the Blue Door in Arrowtown, allowed Isabelle to further showcase her music to New Zealand audiences. She also played with New Zealand/Dutch band MyBaby at this year’s Lunasa Festival

Isabelle studied singing at the Popacademy Artez in the Netherlands where she completed her Master of Music for jazz and pop vocals in 2022.

“I discovered my love of singing as a child,” says Isabelle. “I joined children’s choirs, played in various student bands, covers bands and rock bands. I taught myself to play guitar and began writing songs too.

“My dream is to create something that is bigger than just myself; I love to connect people with their emotions and to experience the joy and healing power of music.”

In April 2022, Isabelle released her first EP, ‘Liebe & Freiheit’, in combination with a book of poetry, followed by a release tour in Amsterdam.

Don’t miss her at Acid on the Microphone!

Songstress & Poet
Thursday 18 MAY

7.30 pm. $5
Mussel Inn




Isabelle Wolff


and what a gathering it is!

Talk about the grounds of parliament! The DANGEROUS MICROPHONE is one of protest song and prophetic poem.  It’s the family of the full narrative and the community more united than ever!

We continue to be blessed with stunning performers whose skills and talents make the Dangerous Kitchen a place of first class entertainment. We have farewelled recently Barrett, Rennie, Fontaine, Solomon and Elaina – they are off around the world but will no doubt be back some day. Big appreciation for what they all brought to the Dangerous Microphone.

But we gather still, we sing, tell poems, and speak provocations as our hearts move us.  Kicking off each Wednesday evening at 5.30pm, the Dangerous Microphone gives performers – from the timid to the more confident –  an opportunity to sharpen their talents and presentation skills.

Singers, poets, songwriters, story tellers and provocators – take your place behind the Dangerous Microphone. Stir and arouse the audience and yourself with your craft. Feed your soul, build the family, gather together.

Everyone, come on down to the Dangerous Kitchen for an evening meal, a glass of wine and enjoy the company of a great family. Performers, the booking sheet will be open from 5.00 pm.

The Dangerous Microphone
Wednesdays, 5.30pm
3, 10, 17, 24, 31 May

The Dangerous Kitchen



Hazy shade of winter

Winter is still sounding like a warm fire on a Monday evening at the Mussel Inn with choir master Craig Denham conducting the season!

Yep the fire is in the hearth, Craig is at the piano playing every song you ever knew. And the voices rise in seven part harmony to lift the roof just a little bit!

Happening every Monday evening from 7.00pm, this community gathering gives you a chance to sing all your favourite songs – and you can play along on your acoustic instrument too if you like.

Informal. family-gathering type of get together that is a lot of fun. Come and check it out.

Community Sing-A-Long
Craig Denham
Every  Monday
Mussel Inn, 7.00pm.

Hazy shade of winter

Make Use of CRUMB

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In CRUMB you will find all the events sponsored by Golden Bay Live Poets Society plus a few other gigs and community happenings.

If you would like to be kept up to date with open microphone events happening around the Bay, then subscribe to CRUMB here

And you can even submit a gig or event that you want us to know about.







Got events or gigs coming up that you’d like to let CRUMB readers know about, please email the details, jpeg pics and jpeg posters to:  or use the link below:

submit a gig or event 

And if you have a new book of  poems, stories coming out, or a new recording of songs, let us know and we can let our small but dedicated readership in on the action.