Finding a place to be

Without a fire there is no warmth; without bread we are consumed by hunger. A tentative joy is ours to carry when the fire burns in the hearth and the smell of freshly baked bread wafts from the windows of the kitchen. We weave our way back through the forest of questions and doubts to find our place again among those we count as friends.

We carry with us, on the twists and turns of the pathway, the security of the place we called home, where we have known both warmth and sustenance. We have been engulfed by the welcome afforded us there and have found strength and courage to stand strong, to walk through open doors and take our place where we belong.

This month we continue with our intimate open mic sessions at the MAD Cafe in Collingwood – Moonshine on the Microphone.  And we resume  the edgy Acid on the Microphone at the Mussel Inn.

Now that we have two open mic sessions each month, it would be excellent to see you out and about. Nothing like gathering together to build strength and resilience into our voices and into our being!

Details on the following pages.

Mark Raffills




Places of the heart









The old couch held us in comfort there
We laughed with ease
Food aplenty there was to share
And no one was kept away
Here was shelter from the storm
Friendship here to keep us warm
We ventured out to make our way
Every season was being born

On a cold autumn evening
We gathered to the fire
We sat each one on the wooden pews
And spoke in silence for a while
Just content to be here
Nothing needed to be said
We had known the cut of the chilling wind
And hunger through lack of bread.

Mark Raffills

Open Microphone


It is happening again this coming Thursday  7 July!
Collingwood’s own voice!

Poets, story tellers, singers and musicians – you can register on the night. As Bob Dylan said, get on down to the MAD Cafe and ‘let your poor voice be heard’!!

Poems and stories and music plus a whole heap of bonhomie –  The bar and kitchen will be operating as usual so plenty of time for a meal beforehand and drinks throughout the evening.

Hope to  see you there, this Thursday.

Moonshine on the Microphone
MAD Cafe, Collingwood
This Thursday 7 July 2022, 7.30 pm.
$5 on the door



Spoken Word Open Microphone

Acid on the Microphone – you’re the voice!

Thursday 14 July, 2022, the daring, boundary-pushing open mic phenomena known as Acid on the Microphone hits the stage at the Mussel Inn. There never was a more supportive place for your voice to be heard.

Poems, songs, stories and provocations line up beside one another, and with trembling and with sure voice and with voices in between, the words and the music get to be heard.

Performers can register on the night. Audience, just roll on up too. We need you. A jolly good night’s entertainment guaranteed! Unfortunately,  Stellarize is no longer able to grace us with her music for the night, so bring your guitar and treat us to a tune or two.

See you Thursday 14th.


Acid on the Microphone
Mussel Inn
Thursday 14 July, 2022, 7.30 pm
$5 on the door



Acid on the Microphone – you’re the voice!

An Undivided Community


It’s been quiet on the Village Green these last few weeks so thought we would try a relocation for a while.  SOMA Cafe in Takaka have kindly welcomed us to their place for a lunch time session following on from Standing with Signs.  We plan to be set up at Soma from 12.45 pm each Friday. We hope you can come and join us and take part in the open mic sessions with songs, provocations and poems.

The location changes but the message remains almost the same. The big thing is still that masks must be worn in retail outlets. It’s time to stop this foolishness and acknowledge that mask wearing is largely ineffective when it comes to stopping the spread of a virus. And they are the single biggest instrument of division still plaguing our community. They must go.

And although  the ‘mandates’ have gone – or at least put into the back pocket for now –  we want to see it mandated that people who lost their jobs must be offered them back with reinstatement of lost wages.

The vax passports have gone into the back pocket too which means all events can run freely for now and we must make certain it stays this way for evermore.

So you can see, the work is not done yet. And there is nothing like a poem or a song or a few well-chosen words to Free Up the Microphone and strengthen the heart in its bold stand. Planning to be at Soma Cafe, Takaka,  every Friday from 12.45 pm, holding the space for an undivided community.

Free Up The Microphone
Soma Cafe, Takaka
Fridays, 12.45 pm

New Music worth a listen

Nick Feint
Next Exit From Babylon

Here’s a brand new album from Golden Bay singer/songwriter Nick Feint. Released last month via a bunch of gigs that included an appearance at our Moonshine on the Microphone event at MAD Cafe as well as a Saturday night at the Mussel Inn. Echos of Don McGlashan – very nice vibes.
You can listen on Spotify and then buy you own download from: The down load comes with its own lyric booklet.



Adam Hattaway & The Haunters


On Rooster, Adam Hattaway & The Haunters capture the energy of the sixties with the street smarts of the new breed of highway bandits. Adam performed with Tess Liautaud at the MAD Cafe in Collingwood at the end of April. Rooster is a double CD complete with lyrics. Listen on Spotify or better still buy your own copy of the album by contacting Adam via his Facebook page here.



Tess Liautaud
Tess Liautaud

Heart-travelling songs that reach across the horizon with a deep and arresting presence.  Three singles out now on Spotify and Bandcamp.
Click here for physical copies and more!

You can search Tess Liautaud on the platforms too. See and hear Tess performing at Golden Bay Live Poets a couple of years back.









Got events or gigs coming up that you’d like to let CRUMB readers know about, please email the details, jpeg pics and jpeg posters to:

And if you have a new book of  poems, stories coming out, or a new recording of songs, let me know and I can let our small but dedicated readership in on the action.

Nice Time @ The Barn #3
Sunday 25 September, 3.33 pm
The Barn 143  Rocklands Road. Koha.

Details opposite page