2 JULY 2022

The Word

You are the voice

“…you’re the voice, try and understand it,
 Make a noise and make it clear
We’re not going to sit in silence
We’re not going to live with fear…”

John Farnham sung the song.The Voice. Remember him? Way back then even, 1986! Check it out sometime.

In the silence or in the hubbub of noise and confusion, it is your own voice that steadies you. It is your own voice that defines your place to stand and gives you strength to believe in yourself and in the story you hold to. Your voice topples fear and external control and plants the iron rod of resistance to these things at the centre of your life.

Your voice opens up the horizon, gives you courage for the open road, sends you in the direction of home and lets you speak and sing to your hearts content.

So, what about you “make a noise and make it clear” at one of our fabulous open microphone sessions coming up this month. It’s a magnificent way to develop confidence in your craft and to share your skills with others.

Peace to you
Mark Raffills

Speak to the silence









“…he was standing
on the edge of a full moon
baptised in the silence
listening for that quiet voice
fingering those ageing chords
learning again how to rejoice …”

Open Microphone

Dangerous Microphone @ Dangerous Kitchen

So good has it been that we have had to extend it to three hours long!


Love to see you there with a poem or song or musical piece. Best to be early if you want to nab one of the 21 performance slots available. The programme will be open for you to book your slot from 5.00 pm. Each slot has a 7 minute limit to enable us to showcase as many performers as possible and to give every one a fair go. 
And if you are looking to be part of the wild audience for a wild night’s entertainment,  it might pay to book a table in advance to make sure you get a seat. So get organised and come on down, you won’t be disappointed! Enjoy a meal and a drink and polish up your social skills of interaction and conversation – the glue that holds our community together. All welcome.

Barrett Newton will anchor the music, Mark Raffills will anchor the words, The Kitchen will anchor the food and drinks and altogether we will be anchored in love on a cold winter’s night in the cosy surrounds of The Dangerous Kitchen.

The Dangerous Microphone will be plugged in every Wednesday throughout winter. The August dates are: 3 August, 10 August, 17 August, 24 August, 31 August. Kicks off 5.30pm. 

Tipping our hat to:



Dangerous Microphone @ Dangerous Kitchen

Open Microphone


It is happening again this coming Thursday  7 July!
Collingwood’s own voice!

Poets, story tellers, singers and musicians – you can register on the night. As Bob Dylan said, get on down to the MAD Cafe and ‘let your poor voice be heard’!!

Poems and stories and music plus a whole heap of bonhomie –  The bar and kitchen will be operating as usual so plenty of time for a meal beforehand and drinks throughout the evening.

Hope to  see you there, this Thursday.

Moonshine on the Microphone
MAD Cafe, Collingwood
This Thursday 7 July 2022, 7.30 pm.
$5 on the door



Spoken Word Open Microphone

Acid on the Microphone – you’re the voice!

Thursday 14 July, 2022, the daring, boundary-pushing open mic phenomena known as Acid on the Microphone hits the stage at the Mussel Inn. There never was a more supportive place for your voice to be heard.

Poems, songs, stories and provocations line up beside one another, and with trembling and with sure voice and with voices in between, the words and the music get to be heard.

Performers can register on the night. Audience, just roll on up too. We need you. A jolly good night’s entertainment guaranteed! Unfortunately,  Stellarize is no longer able to grace us with her music for the night, so bring your guitar and treat us to a tune or two.

See you Thursday 14th.


Acid on the Microphone
Mussel Inn
Thursday 14 July, 2022, 7.30 pm
$5 on the door



Acid on the Microphone – you’re the voice!

A Nice Time @ The Barn #2

Break out the cushions, light up the candles and open your arms for cuddles at the next
Nice Time @ The Barn.

Sunday 17 July, 4.30 pm

@ The Barn 143  Rocklands Road. Koha.

Poetry, chill tunes and kirtan

There has been a bit of change to the line up. The  music and poems will be coming to you from the hearts and voices of

Sapien & Hira Livingston & Romy & Redwood

A Nice Time @ The Barn #2

You're the voice!

FREE UP the microphone becomes DANGEROUS microphone

We’ve taken the microphone indoors for Winter. You will find us now every Wednesday at the Dangerous Kitchen between 5.30 and 7.30 pm. The message remains the same so come on down with a poem, story, song, some music or something to say. Love to see you there. Get Dangerous!!

Get your event listed here

If you have any events or gigs coming up that you’d like to let CRUMB readers know about, please email the details, jpeg pics and jpeg posters to: