If there is merit in seeing things through to their conclusion then maybe there is something to be said for commitment, for lasting the distance, for travelling the road, for being true to your heart.

Got to say what a privilege to look around this place in which we live and see the time and effort people put in to holding space for others to grow, to enjoy and to make community.

Big thank you to the Mussel Inn, The Dangerous Kitchen and the MAD Café on that score for the hosting of our open microphone events and holding a place for our gatherings.

Another month of open mics coming up at these cornerstone venues. Details in the pages following. And we have the Regional Poetry Slam coming this month too as well as  the 30th Anniversary of Nelson Live Poets and a gig from Dominic Hoey, Isla Huia and Liam

Come on down to the microphone! Last the distance, cross the line….

Golden Bay Live Poets Society



Sticking it out
and lasting the distance
takes some fortitude
and a power of persistence

Through the wilderness
the sand and the thirst
pushing aside
the pain and the hurt

Beside still waters
smooth is the way
blessing is granted
by the light of the day.

Completing the race
and crossing the line
we run to the end
make the most of time.

Stretching the moment
right through the years
takes some determination
some laughter and tears.

Mark Raffills