At the end of July we say goodbye for a while to the Dangerous Microphone as the Kitchen wipes down the pizza ovens for the winter break. So let’s make the most of these last four sessions of the Dangerous Microphone and the opportunity they give us to gather at the Dangerous Kitchen to meet and greet and support while we enjoy the songs and poems and stories.

In gathering together we are holding one another in a metaphorical warm embrace, passing warmth across the room. We gather not just for ourselves but for those around us. Encouragement and banter is the name of the game. it’s called community.
Coming up this month we have one great gathering at NgAng’s Gallery in Collingwood with a pot luck feast and an open mic session; another great gathering at the Mussel Inn and the third fourth, fifth and sixth great gatherings at the Dangerous Kitchen. It would be so good to see you at one of these gatherings if you can make it.
All the details on the following pages along with listings for gigs from Craig Denham, The Hobnail Trio and Clayton Taylor & Mark Raffills. Have a browse. Mark some dates in you diary. Enjoy the mid-winter month of July – it is going to to be a good one!

Mark Raffills
Golden Bay Live Poets Society


It is the last month before those other months
waiting in the wings just to follow on
the sun lies low in the fog-bound sky
and sighs as it sings a winter’s song.

To the ocean the river runs cold and swift
until it is lost and runs this way no more
and the rocks and mud rest lonely
in a blanket of time that is lost to the shore

It is warmth in which we wrap ourselves
we sit at fireside in the sweet embrace
that holds the eye to say goodby and
leaves not a moment in this empty place.