New Poetry Book

New bunch of poems from Jan FitzGerald

Jan FitzGerald (b.1950) is a long established NZ poet whose poems have been published in all the mainstream NZ literary journals including Poetry NZ, NZ Books, Takahe, Landfall, and overseas in The London MagazineAcumen (UK), Orbis (UK), The High Window (UK), Yellow Medicine Review (USA) Atlanta Review (USA), Poetry Australia and Meniscus (Australia.) Jan has been shortlisted twice (2015 and 2019) in the Bridport Prize poetry competition. She has four poetry books published.

Her latest poetry book “A question bigger than a hawk” was launched online via Wellington Libraries on July 11 and published by The Cuba Press.

You can find a video of  the online launch on Youtube here. It features publisher Mary McCallum of The Cuba Press, and poets Maggie Rainey-Smith and Rachel McAlpine reading Jan’s. poems:
And you may purchase “A question bigger than a hawk”  online too  from Wardini Books here:

Great to be able to support NZ poets and their work!

New bunch of poems from Jan FitzGerald