Two local musicians have new singles out. Find them on Spotify and Bandcamp. Keep an ear out for their next gigs and be sure to get to hear them.

Nick Feint’s new song is on Bandcamp. Coming up Roses is the name of the track. A beautiful song that sees Nick right on his game. Powerful production by Levity Beet and stylish BVs from Malaika Hollis.

Ella Keita and Buster Caitcheon have a new song too. You will find it on Spotify, called Winds Are Changing. A great track with a whole lot of appeal and a top notch arrangement that showcases the meshing of two stunning talents.







Mussel Inn Sing Along with Craig Denham has been a massive community hit over the winter. Every Monday night singers of every elk have gathered to give voice to the song! Craig has a few gigs coming up out of town – Hawaii and the Far North – and so the Monday nights are on hold until he returns on Monday 2 October. Mark it on your calendar