There’s a storm a’comin’

There’s a storm a’comin’. It’s rumbling through the iron mountains. You can hear it in the howl of the lonesome wind, in the distant echo of the thunder, in the lash of the rain that cuts like a cat o nine tails across the proud flesh of man. There’s a storm a comin’ in the flood that rages across the valley and drowns the cry of man, woman and child, lost in agony and despair.

There’s a storm a’comin’. Stand in its path on feet of gold if you dare, throw the silver coins of betrayal into its way. Take shelter ‘neath a canopy of faith, stand on the rock of a redemption song and let it pass like the wailing of that dark night.

There’s a storm a’comin’. it is being met by the tremor of the voice at the microphone, by the courageous beat of every heart, by the footsteps of those who march to their own tune.

In this month of March we’ve got some powerful microphone events to which you can march right up and lend your own voice! In poem, song, music or word – plot your own course and shout down the storm for all you are worth.

Hope to see you at the Mussel Inn, the MAD Café or the Dangerous Kitchen in the coming days.


Mark Raffills
Golden Bay Live Poets Society

Red Cloud Storm

There is a storm coming
in the red clouds of fire
hanging like a plague
over the dark, deep valley,
they say it has been on it way
for quite some time,
ever since thought and freedom
were outlawed,
ever since the chains
were locked on the feet
and hands and mouths
of the unspoken ones.

There is a storm brewing
in the red clouds of fire,
in the howling winds clawing
at the tress to pull them down,
they say the gods are angry
and have been for some time,
angry at the pride of man,
at the destruction of greed,
at the disregard for life;
perhaps the storm will soon abate.
perhaps it is not too late.

Mark Raffills