Tomorrow is here already

Here comes the sun, tomorrow is here already and our voices are sharpened by the light. Ask not what the new year may bring to us but ask what can we bring to the new year!


What an opportunity affords us as we look ahead to the months that lie before us. Opportunity to remake, remould, restore. Opportunity to speak and sing and act in accordance with the story that shapes our heart.

The microphone  has been turned on. It continues to provide opportunity to sharpen, form and refine the gifts that have been given us. Many have been emboldened by its presence to take their gifts further afield.

Two special events this month under the umbrella of the Golden Bay Arts Festival. Wednesday 24 January, an Arts Festival edition of The Dangerous Microphone. Sunday 28 January, the Arts festival present the Matinee Poets. Details further on.

See you at the Microphone in January and February.

Mark Raffills
Golden Bay Live Poets Society


A pebble cast into the pond
Ripple tells the story, tears and glory
Dross by fire is consumed

And in the shade of the old man pine
A moment there is captured
Still, like a photograph out of time

Weeds and wheat in earth together grow
Waiting for the edge of the harvest blade
To sweep that furrowed line


The dance of light and darkness
Yellow rays of sun and silver moon
Both cast shadows on a sea of gloom

There is no life in an empty tomb
How long will these things tarry
What can be swept by a worn-out broom

Nothing to find down a dead-end street
Boots of leather laced up with twine
Got to make the end of the line

And in the end all things shall be well
And after the fire the seed will bloom
The heart of man, made fine

Six solid stones to build a temple of flesh
One hewed from faith, one from hope
And another carved from love

Six stones build a house for tomorrow
One hewed from humility, one from justice
One from mercy carved

Mark Raffills