We all need a little light sometimes

I was fortunate indeed to have the privilege of being the MC for last weekend’s Winter Festival of Light Variety Concert staged by Golden Bay Arts Council and held in the Village Theatre.
Congratulations go to Claire, Arnav, Dan and Bruce and crew for the brilliant production of an outstanding afternoon of wonderful community entertainment! What a splendid crowd filled the seats for the occasion.
And community it was. Just a little mind-boggling to be entertainment by an absolutely stunning lineup of local performers. How blessed are we to be held in such a community.

So excellent to see a range of performers who have graced our open mic sessions over the last year or so too. So encouraging to them spread their wings and fly.

That’s one of the benefits of our open mic sessions I guess. They provide a place for performers to try out their talents, hone their craft and polish up their performance skills.

So let’s go for July! Take the microphone when it is offered  and see how far it will take you! and they are always great entertainment for the audience too – got to be one of the best nights out the Bay has on offer!!

Peace & Love
Mark Raffills
Golden Bay Live Poets Society

Winter Festival of Light

Oh for this festival
This festival of light
Stay your ground dread winter
Keep your darkness in your night

For we shall live in the light
Of all we were born to be
We have seen the darkness splintered
By that glory, you and me

We shall gather in the afterglow
That rises in the east
We shall hold it to our hearts
As it settles in the west

Come now, let us sit together
And be that single flame
That lights up every one of us
And calls us each, by name.

Mark Raffills