When the poem becomes the song – Nick Feint puts the words to the music

When the poem becomes the song we sit enthralled as word and melody dance together. Songwriter and poet drink from the same cup and we all get to share in the oil and the wine of healing and joy. And our guest at this month’s Acid on the Microphone singer/songwriter Nick Feint takes us into the heart of the song and the mystery of the word.

“I have an ongoing debate with my partner Rose about whether I am a poet or a lyricist,” explains Nick. “ So I encourage people to come along and be the judge for themselves – poet or lyricist?  Either way, I enjoy the crafting of words and spend many hours getting the arrangements just right.”

Nick Feint  is lucky enough to live around the corner from the Mussel Inn.  “I love playing at the Mussel and there is nothing better than playing at the Poets nights, so what could possibly go wrong?”  he says.

Nick will be playing some new material at his guest spot at Acid on the Microphone, hosted by Golden Bay Live Poets Society and will be joined by local musicians John Black on lead guitar and Malaika Hollis on backing vocals.

Nick released an album Next Exit From Babylon late last year and a single Coming Up Roses just last month. People can check out his music on Spotify:

Nick Feint
Live @ Acid on the Microphone
Thursday 24 July 2023
7.30pm, Mussel Inn. $5

When the poem becomes the song – Nick Feint puts the words to the music