winter nights draw in

The winter nights draw in. The black curtain falls early and shuts out the daylight. But still, the flames dance in the fire place and bring some warmth and some light into the long evenings. And we, like moths to the light, gather in a privileged place, around the fire and the song and the poem. How blessed are we to have these places. What a joy to sit in the presence of our friends and neighbours and listen to the gifts and talents the musicians and poets and singers bring to the microphone.

This month of June offers some warm places to while away a couple of hours each week in good company. You will find Open Microphone sessions  at Nganga’s Art Galley in Collingwood, The Dangerous Kitchen in Takaka and at The Mussel inn in Onekaka.

It’s not cold where the songs are sung and the poems are told. You would be most welcome to gather and spend a little time where winter doesn’t matter.

Also this month, Emma Callaghan and myself bring our ‘Wash Away The Stains’ spoken word performance to The Mussel Inn as guests at Acid on the Microphone. Monday night sing-a-long sessions continue at The Mussel Inn also. And this Saturday night, 8 June, three cool local bands all together at The River Inn – Golden Bay Blue, 2Beers Later and No Rego. Details on following pages.

Hope to see you at a couple of these sessions.
Mark Raffills
Golden Bay Live Poets Society


a winter's dance

smoke and flame
entangle in the same dance
winter plays the tune
it’s a long night in hushed light
the whisper of a song
drifts across the room

the fire flickers in the hearth
makes shadows on the walls
of broken hearts resting still
glasses tinkle in a
murmured tale of warmth
and winter’s goodwill

the overcoats and scarves
hang on the clothes hook
behind winter’s wooden door
the fire burns low and red
as smoke and flame
dance some more

mark raffills