2023, live ya life to be free!

What is behind us now, is behind us. Perhaps there are scars, maybe there are consequences, some restitution still we can offer. Scarlet becomes snow. Forgiveness. We stand up. We walk tall. We are who we are. Another year gifted us; a clean canvas onto which we paint ourselves. What will the image be? Our open microphone sessions get underway in earnest this month, February. No reason to stay at home. The community needs to hear from you and you need to hear from your community. Songs, poems, provocations, stories, heart, soul. Refine your craft, polish your voice, sharpen your heart and launch yourself upon the opportunities right in front of you.

Look out for other events coming your way too. Some nice developments re Abundance, the Bay’s co-creative manifest coming up plus individual gigs by local poets and musicians. We’ll try and get the information to you as it comes to hand.

Meantime, check out details of our open mic and guest performances on the following pages.

Golden Bay Live Poets Society


These are the lost days
they shall not find us again,
the sound of the moon
is heard weeping
in the falling light,
a sad song of regret
for what we will not undo.

These are the lost days
traded all too carelessly,
the sound of silver
falling into a purse
with too many holes,
nothing was purchased,
no price was paid.

These are the lost days
waiting to be found,
the sound of tongues
speaking with fire,
sons and daughters prophesy
consume the shame,
build the tower of song.

These are the lost days
overgrown in the garden,
the sound of lilies
blooming in the fields again,
the worm of flesh
hungers no more,
perhaps we will be redeemed.

Mark Raffills