Acid on the Microphone

Acid at the Mussel

What a stunner the first Acid on the Microphone session was!

What a night it was. A real stormer – the first Acid on the Microphone event for 2023. Emma Callaghan stole the show, Thursday 23 February, with a heart-stopping, breath-taking performance that had the packed Mussel Inn challenged to the depths of their hearts. Thanks to Emma for an eloquent and courageous performance laying the issue of racism wide open with a superb essay of the times.

Supporting Emma  we had a beautiful line up of performers for the open mic session – Jude, Julia, Alyesha, Isabelle and Tamsin plus groovy music from Alanjahjah and Joy to open and close the evening.

And not forgetting the most enthusiastic and encouraging audience along with the ever-warm hospitality of the Mussel inn staff. If this is 2023 we are in for a fabulous ride!!

We will have all the details of this months event shortly. It will be held on Thursday 23 March. Don’t forget to come back to Crumb in the next few days to find out who our guest will be!

Acid at the Mussel