Golden Bay Live Poets, The Mussel Inn, Arts on Tour present

Mad Doggerel Poetry Cabaret

25 August 2022, 7.30 pm @ Mussel Inn 

with David Eggleton, Daren Kamali and Richard Wallis live at The Mussel Inn

Two poets and a musician combine to present a comic and lyric portrait of Aotearoa New Zealand and its place in the South Pacific today. Their Mad Doggerel Poetry Cabaret is full of cascading words, wild musicality and lightning humour.

David Eggleton, the current Poet Laureate of Aotearoa 2019 – 2022, has been described as a jazz-bop-beatnik poet ‘whose poems never cease to amaze and astound in their creativity…in performance he is no longer ‘just a poet’ but a ranter, a raver, a conjuror…his poetry spirals into today’s world from a Polynesian heritage’. David Eggleton, an acclaimed writer, has received just about every literary award for poetry it is possible to receive in New Zealand.

Daren Kamali was a founding member of the South Auckland Poets’ Collective in 2008 and a co-founder of Niu Navigations in 2013, an organisation aimed at encouraging young Pacific writers to tell their stories. An accomplished performance and slam poet, as well as a musician, Daren Kamali has travelled the world presenting poems based on Polynesian and Pasifika legends and his own life story.

Richard Wallis is a Dunedin-based classical guitarist. As a soundscape musician he has worked extensively with David Eggleton in producing music recordings.

A stunning show. Don’t miss out.
Tickets $10 at the door.
Also in Nelson at The Boathouse, 10th August.

Mad Doggerel Poetry Cabaret